3 Must Have Squishy Toys for Kids (Video)

3 Must Have Squishy Toys for Kids (Video)

3 Must Have Squishy Toys for Kids (Video)

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

When children and families walk into the hospital, they expect procedures, sterile walls and lots of questions. It's great when Child Life Specialists can give kids FUN, too!

Children like to have things around them that feel normal when they are in uncomfortable or new situations. So when we take everyday items like donuts and video games and offer them in the hospital, it's usually a hit!

The items I referenced in the video are the Mini Squishy Donut Stickers, Game Controller Stress Toys and Squishy Gel Animal Friends.

Click here to see a Child Life Specialist provide tips about procedural support.

2021-04-09 16:09:00 6 viewed