3 Ways to Reassure Patients That Your Office Is Safe

3 Ways to Reassure Patients That Your Office Is Safe

3 Ways to Reassure Patients That Your Office Is Safe

Social Media

Trying to navigate the COVID rollercoaster has not been easy for anyone. Some parents may have fears about committing to healthcare appointments, but it has never been more important to stay on top of your family's health! Now is a great time to remind your patients that medical offices are some of the safest spaces for kids and families. SmileMakers is here to help by providing a few ideas of how you can do this.

1. Send Out a Newsletter

Whether you prefer sending out an email newsletter, mailing a custom recall card, or mailing a good old fashioned letter, you can send a message directly to parents to help them understand your sanitation and safety protocol. Start by letting them know that you are open and ready to see patients, and then go into the details about any changes you've made to ensure a safe patient experience. For example, if you are now having patients wait in their cars to be screened before their appointment, explain that process. Patients will feel more comfortable coming in for their visit if they know what to expect ahead of time.

Social Media

2. Update Your Social Media Photos

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words. It's simple and fast to snap a few photos and upload them to your social feeds to show the office is tidy and ready for patients. Need some help thinking of what photos to take? Here are a couple of ideas:

  1. Show off that reception area! Have you rearranged the furniture in the front of your office to allow for social distancing? Let your followers see what you're doing to keep your patients safe!
  2. Take them behind the scenes. People are naturally curious and love to peek behind the curtain. Showing your patients behind the front desk, in your stockroom, or where you keep your sanitation supplies also instills a sense of trust in that you are letting them in on "insider" information.

3. Host a Q&A

Social Media

A Q&A session is a great way to field questions from your community and reassure your patients about any fears or worries they may have. Jump on Facebook or Instagram live to answer questions in real-time that your patients may have about safety measures that your practice is taking. This is also a good time for you to talk to your community about any tips or recommendations you may have for them about how to keep their families safe during these hard times. They'll appreciate your advice as a trained expert in the healthcare field.

Bonus: Wipe It Down Challenge

Social Media

Whether you're on TikTok or not, you've probably seen some of the most popular challenges and trends on social media apps. One of those challenges that you can use to your advantage is the "Wipe It Down" Challenge. Get in on the fun and boost your online engagement with your followers by recording a Wipe It Down video of your own. Not sure how to make your video? Here's how to get started:

  1. Go to the App Store on your phone and download the TikTok app. The app will provide simple instructions on how to set up your account.
  2. Click HERE to watch a quick video that gives step-by-step instructions on how you can do the Wipe It Down Challenge.
  3. Have fun and show off how you're keeping your office clean!

SmileMakers Is Here for You!

As the world continues to change around us, one thing has not changed: how much you truly care about your patients. And here at SmileMakers, "we care for you like you care for your patients" is more than our tagline. We are here to help you through this difficult time and make running your practice as simple and fun as possible so you can focus on what matters most. Feel free to reach out at any time to let us know how we can help at SmileMakers.com.

2020-08-24 15:28:00 8 viewed