8 Great Ways to Use Stickers with Kids in the Hospital

8 Great Ways to Use Stickers with Kids in the Hospital

8 Great Ways to Use Stickers with Kids in the Hospital

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

8 Great Ways to use stickers with kids in the Hospital

As soon as children begin to develop their fine motor skills, it seems like stickers are worth their weight in gold. In the hospital setting, child life specialists use stickers in every unit and for countless reasons.

I've compiled my favorite ways to use stickers in the hospital setting:

  1. 8 Great Ways to use stickers with kids in the Hospital Normalization
    Plain and simple: STICKERS ARE FUN. They spark creativity, encourage kids to use their hands, and the familiar characters help make things feel friendly, even when they're not! Child Life Specialists have been using stickers on anesthesia masks for years as a means to take an unfamiliar object and make it fun! Children are able to manipulate the mask with the intention of having fun which makes it less scary when it's time to breathe. I recommend Mini-dot stickers like these Sesame Street stickers. They're the perfect size for masks
  2. Behavior charts
    Positive reinforcement helps children feel proud of what they've done as opposed to feeling shame for not doing it right. Behavior charts, like this one, are a great way to encourage the behavior you want to see. Placing stickers on the chart encourages kids to be an active participant in their own behavior. Take a look at the sticker sampler here.
  3. Incentive charts
    Unfortunately, time in the hospital means that a patient will likely have to do things that are painful, uncomfortable, or just disgusting. When I'm preparing a child to drink a laxative in preparation for a procedure, one of my favorite things to offer is an incentive chart. When they drink one ounce, we celebrate with a sticker! I've found the perfect sticker sampler to use here.
  4. Creative Outlet
    Sticker scenes are a staple in our playrooms, inpatient units, and emergency room. They allow children to "play" in a new environment without ever having to leave the bed! Recommend: Hello Kitty Sticker Scene, Race Track Sticker Scene, Unicorn Sticker Scene, Under the Apple Tree. Find assorted sheets here.
    8 Great Ways to use stickers with kids in the Hospital
  5. Fine Motor Skills
    8 Great Ways to use stickers with kids in the Hospital It's easy for developmental milestones to regress when children are in the hospital due to illness, lack of energy and other things that don't allow for normal ambulation. Child Life Specialists promote optimal development by encouraging the meeting of milestones and stickers are a great way to keep those fingers busy.
  6. Rapport Building
    Show me a nurse with a sticker on her badge reel or a doctor with a sticker on her stethoscope, and I'll show you a kiddo who giggles with laughter. Stickers help start conversations in a non-threatening way and show kids that our nurses and doctors are just big kids, too! Here are just a few of the most popular ones to get you started:
    8 Great Ways to use stickers with kids in the Hospital
  7. Rewards/Acknowledging
    Our nurses have to do so many unpleasant things to children all day long from procedures to giving gross medicine. Because of this, our health heroes love giving kids prizes. Stickers are a cost-effective, easy and fool-proof way to show a child they've done a job well done!
  8. No reason at all
    This may be my favorite, because the truth is you don't need a reason to have stickers. The stickers themselves are universal currency for young children and as I said before they are just plain fun!
2021-08-02 20:32:00 109 viewed