April Is Occupational Therapy Month

April Is Occupational Therapy Month

April Is Occupational Therapy Month

Carmen Knight, MAT, Early Childhood & Special Education

Occupational Therapy Month

April is Occupational Therapy Month! Occupational therapy is a type of therapy that can be used throughout a person's life to enhance their independence and self-esteem. Preschool children may require occupational therapy for a fine motor delay or a sensory integration disorder; an older person may require occupational therapy to recover from an accident or a stroke. Whatever the need or age, occupational therapy can be a vital part of ensuring that patients are able to achieve as much success in their daily lives as possible! I would like to begin by thanking all amazing occupational therapists for the difference they make in the lives of their patients every day.

Occupational Therapy Month

Occupational therapy may not always be associated with children, however, there are several benefits it provides to prepare children for healthy, normal lives. Therapy sessions can help children with everyday activities like brushing teeth, getting dressed, writing and more. OT also aids in development of sensory, visual and coordination skills. It provides opportunities for children with fine motor delays and sensory integration disorder to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. Children with physical, sensory or cognitive problems can gain independence and grow into productive members of society.

SmileMakers can be a great resource for therapists because they provide therapists a variety of tools that make therapeutic sessions productive, fun and educational. Visit their website to find specific product categories that are perfect for Occupational Therapy. There you can find sensory, emotional, calming toys as well as attention and distraction toys.  These toys are wonderful for therapeutic sessions and for families to have for continuing development between sessions.

Occupational Therapy Month

Knowing that therapy is perceived and responded to differently by children, the main idea is to provide a fun way to meet the needs of your patient. SmileMakers offers many affordable options that will help you improve a child's skills and minimize developmental delays in a fun way. A couple of my favorites that are great for sensory processing can be seen here. Spike Frogs allow a child to grasp tightly for deep pressure sensation or gently brush their hand with the spikes to promote light sensory input. They are cute and colorful too, which will hopefully bring a smile to your patient's face.

Occupational Therapy Month

Balls are always a favorite toy and this Reversible Sequin Ball Pull is a fun twist on that. The sequins on this pull stimulate both visual and tactile senses and are cool enough to use with your older children. School aged children can attach it to their backpack and receive the sensory stimulation they need all day long! These items are so affordable that you can give each child one to take with them after their visit.

We are so thankful for Occupational Therapists and what they do! This profession is vital to helping children and adults overcome developmental challenges or bounce back from an injury so that they feel as independent as possible. OT enhances patient's confidence and improves quality of life. Celebrate Occupational Therapy, not just in April, but all year.

2021-04-06 09:47:41 164 viewed