Back to School: Support and Supplies

Back to School: Support and Supplies

Back to School: Support and Supplies

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

Back to School: Support and Supplies

It's hard to believe we are so quickly watching summer slip through our fingertips. Before we have even begun to adjust to the hot summer months, it seems the anticipation of returning to "a normal routine" feels both exciting and terrifying.

When I'm in the hospital caring and supporting a patient who is on the brink of enduring something "exciting and terrifying" I lean on the basic concepts of preparation, support and follow up.

So as adults who may have more questions than answers for our children right now: masks or no masks? In person or virtual? On time or delayed start? I urge you to consider using these same concepts with the kids in your life.

Back to School: Support and Supplies

First and foremost, let's tackle "preparation." I'm someone who likes to slowly transition from one phase to the next in a methodical, planned way. That's what works for my family and you should consider what works for yours.

When school ended we kept up, pretty faithfully, with reading books and practicing letters (my son is entering the first grade). However, after about a week and beach vacation, we completely fell off the wagon and haven't done much by the way of "school." Now as we prepare for school in just a few weeks, I'm going to set a goal of 1-2 hours a week to focus on reading and math. Nothing crazy, but it will help us transition from absolutely nothing to 8 hours of learning each day. This is my version of "preparation."

Now, I wouldn't be a Child Life Specialist if I didn't try to make the preparation incorporate "play" for my kids. That's why we will be using Rainbow Surprise Pencils and Ice Cream Erasers. For pre- and school-aged children, "fun" items like this help make it seem less like something they have to do and turns it into something they want to do.

Make your transition back to school easier with these fun pencil decorations!

Back to School: Support and Supplies Back to School: Support and Supplies

As far as support goes, the first couple weeks of school as kids transition from "play all day" to "learn all day" will feel exhausting (for all of us - teachers, parents and kids!). Giving kids a way to transform some of that energy into something that is productive like fidget spinners or sensory balls is a great way to offer support.

Lastly, preparing and supporting can't be where we stop being there for our children through life transitions. The follow up is important, if not the most important thing. Keep an open conversation with your kids about what's working, what's not and how *together* you can adapt to the transition.

2021-08-02 20:54:00 7 viewed