Brighten Smiles with Better Breakfast Month!

Brighten Smiles with Better Breakfast Month!

Brighten Smiles with Better Breakfast Month!

September is Better Breakfast Month! All too often, super-sweet, cavity-causing cuisines are the center of attention when it comes to the most important meal of the day. This month and beyond, let's empower children to supercharge the start of their day with choices that nourish their oral health! To help make mornings at the breakfast table more colorful, nutritious, and delicious, SmileMakers has a bounty of stickers, toys, and books to remind your little patients that strong smiles start with healthy meals.

Fruity Scratch n Sniff Stickers

Fuel Up with Fruit

Like nature's candy, fruit is a stellar option for swapping out sugary cereals. Show little patients just how sweet a balanced breakfast can be with our fruity scratch n' sniff stickers! From lovable grinning grapes to hula dancing pineapples, these special scented stickers will get kiddos excited about adding some fiber to their next morning meal.

Let parents know that watermelon is another wonderful fruit for tiny smiles to snack on, as its slices are packed with vitamin C and promote great gum health! Watermelon also helps wash away food particles and bad bacteria, adding an extra sparkle to their pearly whites. Our whimsical watermelon bouncy balls come in a fun spectrum of colors and are sure to inspire tiny taste buds to make better choices at breakfast time.

Fruity Scratch n Sniff Stickers

Encourage Playful Plates

There's nothing like sharing fun-filled knowledge to help spark healthy, happy recipes. If your patient is an aspiring mini chef, surprise them with our make-your-own healthy food plate stickers! These interactive and engaging stickers teach children proper nutrition, allowing them to create a plate full of lean meats, veggies, and good-for-you grains.

For curious, growing minds, invite them into a lighthearted story with Eat Healthfully. This adorable and educational book follows Kitanai the dog and Hungry Hare as they leave junk food behind in favor of the five food groups. With simple text and cheerful illustrations, your patients will enjoy learning at your office and discovering wholesome, flavorful foods for their smile!

Customizable Water Bottles

Combat Cavities with H2O

With its cavity-fighting fluoride and unrivaled cleansing refreshment, water is truly the champion of beverages for optimal oral health. Although little ones may want to sip on their favorite juice boxes in the morning, our customizable water bottles can help make drinking H2O more fun for your pediatric patients! In celebration of Better Breakfast Month, these vibrant and convenient bottles are perfect to have on hand to promote your practice, prevent parched smiles, and encourage patients of all ages to stay hydrated throughout September.

Guide Good Habits with SmileMakers

At SmileMakers, we're dedicated to seeing your practice shine and helping you make meaningful connections with your patient family. We're all about bringing a more rewarding healthcare experience to you and your community with safe, high-quality products and a compassionate team, so you can lead patients towards a lifetime of good habits and bright smiles. If you have any questions for our caring crew, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us today!


2021-09-01 18:11:00 4 viewed