Celebrating National Nutrition Month

Celebrating National Nutrition Month

Celebrating National Nutrition Month

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? It has never been more important to educate your pediatric patients about the essential role that nutrition plays in their health. Baby teeth are susceptible to cavities and tooth decay, and lifelong healthy habits start at a young age. SmileMakers is here to help put your patients on the right track with simple marketing tips and sweet products. From healthy foods that keep their teeth and body strong to sugar-free sweets to satisfy their cravings, we have a few ideas to get your patients invested in their nutrition and whole-body health.

Encourage Education

Encourage Education

We know that kids love candy, sodas, and anything with sugar. National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to educate patients and parents in your office about the role that healthy foods, snacks, and drinks play in their overall health. Let kids learn and participate with Make-Your-Own Healthy Food Plate Stickers. These playful prizes are a sticker and an activity all in one--kids can use the small stickers to "create" their own healthy meals.

Promote A Partnership

Promote a Partnership

Connecting with your community is one of the best ways to spread awareness for National Nutrition Month beyond your practice doors. Look for local restaurants that focus on healthy, wholesome meals for their patrons. Form a partnership and purchase a collection of gift cards from their establishment. You can then launch a gift card giveaway on social media, encouraging your patients to enter and win. Not only will you enjoy a boost of engagement online, but you'll also help support a local business while encouraging your patients to eat right during National Nutrition Month!

Keep It Sweet

Keep It Sweet

Are your patients doing a good job keeping their oral and nutritional health in check? Reward them with a healthy treat that won't contribute to cavities! Keep Lollipops & Sugar-Free Candy available in the office to praise younger patients for a great appointment. Dr. John's Sugarless Tooth Lollipops are made with xylitol and erythritol, which are natural sugars that help remineralize teeth. You can also protect healthy smiles with Zollipops, which are sugar-free, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan, non-GMO, and made with natural flavors and colors. Plus, they're supercharged with smile-friendly erythritol. Zollipops naturally help neutralize the acidity and raise the pH level in your mouth, helping teeth remineralize faster, making them stronger and harder!

You Can Count On SmileMakers

At SmileMakers, you're more than just a practice looking for products. You are a beacon of health in the community. Patients look up to you for guidance on their smiles and oral health, and we're here to help you connect with them in special, meaningful ways. With our exciting and educational products, patients will leave with positive memories and helpful tips to keep their smiles in tip-top shape. We are dedicated to your practice success and are always looking for new ways to help you thrive. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have with a smile. Head over to SmileMakers.com to get in touch with us today!

2021-03-11 16:25:00 8 viewed