Engage Your Community and Your Patients with a Candy Buyback Program!

Engage Your Community and Your Patients with a Candy Buyback Program!

Engage Your Community and Your Patients with a Candy Buyback Program!

Halloween is right around the corner, and that means it's time to start preparing for this year's Candy Buyback Program! Not sure what a Candy Buyback is? SmileMakers explains how it works and how to get one started at your practice!

Engage Your Community and Your Patients with a Candy Buyback Program!

As a healthcare provider, it's important to engage your community in fresh, exciting ways, and the time following Halloween is a perfect opportunity to do so. When trick-or-treating is over, kids' homes are filled with excessive amounts of candy, which could be the culprit in potential cavities and unhealthy eating habits. A Candy Buyback Program can counteract dependence on sugary foods, give back to the community, boost your social media engagement, and give parents a hand managing the aftermath of Halloween.

How Does the Candy Buyback Work?
The program is simple: Kids bring in their Halloween candy in exchange for a prize. Once you collect all the candy throughout the month of November, you'll be able to send it off to people who can use a sweet treat, like troops overseas or local elder care facilities. Our large selection of prizes and giveaways includes pencils, stickers, trendy toys that kids want, character toys featuring Disney princesses and superheroes, and more! These prizes will last longer than a piece of candy, and this healthier alternative adds an incentive for parents and children to visit your practice.

Engage Your Community and Your Patients with a Candy Buyback Program!

Advantages of the Halloween Candy Buyback Program
This buyback program has many benefits for your practice. Most importantly, you're doing good for your community by keeping young patients healthier and delivering a pick-me-up to those who need one. Another advantage of this program is the opportunity it creates for local marketing - potential patients love to see doctors who are involved in their community. Additionally, this buyback program adds incentive for both parents and kids to make an appointment.

How to Set Up Your Candy Buyback Program

  1. Decide Where to Donate
    There are multiple ways to donate your collected candy. Local homeless ministries, nursing homes and assisted living facilities are always appreciative of donations. Check your local area for organizations and specifics. Another option is to donate to armed service members through programs such as Operation Gratitude.
  2. Promote the Program
    Once you decide where to donate, be sure to promote your program in your community! Send emails to existing patients, promote in office through signage and flyers, hang posters on major trick-or-treating routes, and post on social media to encourage people to bring their candy to your office.
  3. Send the Candy!
    Make sure you have a hard stop on collections and a specific date on when organizations can expect your donations. The first two weeks of November is usually enough time for patients and trick-or-treaters to stop by!
Engage Your Community and Your Patients with a Candy Buyback Program!

Remember, these events are meant to be fun, so use your imagination when finalizing the details of your Candy Buyback. Have a great time meeting and rewarding little patients and becoming their parents new best friend!

Engage Your Community and Keep Patients Coming Back!
SmileMakers provides fun, exciting prizes for pediatric patients that will encourage return visits and ensure that little ones enjoy their visit in your office. We have an extensive collection of stickers, fun jewelry, character toys, and more to keep little patients happy and reward them for healthy habits.

2018-10-04 05:00:00 237 viewed