Holiday Reminders for Patients

Holiday Reminders for Patients

Holiday Reminders for Patients

Can you believe the holidays are almost here? Before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season kicks into full gear, now is the perfect time to remind your patients to maximize their insurance benefits, spread some holiday cheer, and ensure they are happy and healthy all season long. With these tried and true tips to keep patients smiling, you’ll skate through these busy months and soak in the holiday cheer. Let’s dive in!

Holiday Reminders

One Last “Use It or Lose It” Push

It’s no secret that the upcoming season can be a whirlwind! Patients may need a gentle reminder to schedule a speedy appointment so they can use up their benefits before they expire at the end of the year. If your practice is active on social media, craft some posts to make an announcement! A simple social campaign is a quick, creative way to reach out to patients and remind them that benefits for the calendar year restart after December 31st. Sending out an email blast is also a great way to ensure each of your patients is notified that their benefits won’t last long. Looking for another way to make sure patients get the memo? Adding a countdown on your website can effectively and efficiently remind existing patients to “use it or lose it” without taking up significant space on your homepage.

Holiday Reminders

A Letter Goes A Long Way

Keeping in touch with your loyal patients and sending a simple holiday message can make a big impact! Write out a personal letter recapping your team’s year and spreading holiday cheer to your patients. You can even include photos, personal updates, or new year’s resolutions to give it an extra special touch. It’s the little things that go a long way, and hand-crafted holiday letters will be sure to resonate with your patients!

Holiday Recall Cards

Holiday Reminders

If you’re looking to send friendly, festive reminders to your patients and keep appointments in the forefront of their minds, check out our holiday recall cards! This seasonal reminder will prompt patients to book an appointment while they have time off from school and work. With our versatile collection of holiday recall cards, you can grow your patient base, advertise services, remind patients of their upcoming appointments, and so much more! And with customizable designs and messaging options, you can create a card that’s as unique as your practice!

SmileMakers Is Here for the Holidays

As your practice enters into the winter season, SmileMakers is right by your side with festive products and a team that cares. We’re proud to support you throughout the holidays and as you prepare to start the new year. SmileMakers wants to see your practice thrive, and we hope you and your team succeed with these marketing tips. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out by visiting us at We can’t wait to see what this season has in store for you and your practice!

2020-11-19 16:30:00 9 viewed