Incentive Spirometry

Incentive Spirometry

Incentive Spirometry

- Katie Taylor, CCLS, Child Life on Call

Incentive Spirometry

Kids are going back to school and that means that respiratory illnesses will be on the rise. We know that one of the biggest ways to combat respiratory illnesses is to encourage ambulation and incentive spirometry. We also know that kids are more compliant when there is a goal and it is actually FUN to do.

That’s why the combination of SmileMakers toys and the Child Life On Call breathing chart can help you out. This printable document can help guide your conversation with your patients and their parents. Let the child and parent help you choose the goal for the day. Pro tip: Start with a smaller, attainable goal so that the child can develop a sense of confidence.

Another way to encourage your patients to engage in an activity that will turn “work” to PLAY. Let the child be in charge of picking out their favorite item to blow:

Incentive Spirometry

When I’m not using bubbles, glitter balloon balls, wheel whistles and trusty pinwheels are my go to. The pinwheel can be used in its original fashion, or you can remove the bottom straw and point the air toward the colorful wheel. Yet another choice!

So next time you see respiratory therapy go in a room to do IS with a kiddo, give them these ideas! Your RT will thank you!

What situations do you find yourself using incentive spirometry in and out of the hospital? Let us know on our social pages.

2020-08-10 10:02:00 213 viewed