Kids’ Guide to Gratitude Journaling

Kids’ Guide to Gratitude Journaling

Kids’ Guide to Gratitude Journaling

Katie Taylor, CCLS, Child Life on Call

Kids’ Guide to Gratitude Journaling

We hear the term “self-care” all over the place lately, usually in reference to finding the perfect work-life-parent balance. But I think there is a big opportunity to put this into practice with our children, too.

One of my favorite ways to institute self-care is by taking note of the good things around me. I find that when I focus on things that I’m grateful for, I become re-centered around what is important to me. Time literally slows down for a change, and I get immersed in the moment.

As adults when we model positive behavior, our children take notice. Picture this: Dad is sitting at the kitchen table after dinner is finished. He pulls out his favorite notebook and starts to discuss the three things he is grateful for in that moment. His children watch what he is doing and inevitably want to get involved.

Kids’ Guide to Gratitude Journaling

I encourage patients and families to practice this even when they are hospitalized or going through a tough experience. Actually, this may be the most important time to practice this type of journaling.

Giving each family member their own gratitude journal is a way to do something together but still allows for individuality. SmileMakers offers approachable and affordable journals for kids of any age. Whether you have a sports lover or an animal lover, with these options you’ll have a notepad perfect for everyone to get excited about.

Kids’ Guide to Gratitude Journaling

As you instruct your patients on starting their journal, remind them to intentionally keep their list short. Start with three things and either allow each family member to talk about them out loud or simply write them down. If your patient can’t write yet, you or their parents can help them or let them draw on the notepad.

The most important part of gratitude journaling is the ritual that brings you back to what’s important. Families will appreciate that you’re giving them something that connects them. Remind them to add a date at the top so that they can keep the notepads as keepsakes for years to come.

2020-11-17 10:56:00 7 viewed