New Beginnings and the Value of a Smile

New Beginnings and the Value of a Smile

New Beginnings and the Value of a Smile

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

New Beginnings and the value of a smile

The end of something can bring many emotions to the surface. Whether you’re feeling sadness or relief about the end of a chapter, what lies ahead is always something new. Because you haven’t experienced it yet, new can feel a bit scary, be full of questions, but new can also be full of hope.

That’s what 2021 can be for all of us if we attempt to shift our thinking from moments of unknown to moments of hope. We know from the many ups and downs of 2020 to expect the unexpected, so with that in mind we are more prepared for 2021 than we ever could have imagined.

The impact that you, caregivers and Child Life Specialists, have on children and their families is limitless. As SmileMakers so brilliantly says,

“The hugs may be virtual, but the smiles will be REAL.”

Parents, we know you didn’t apply or sign up for a job that included a world full of medications, hospitalizations and pain.

Child Life Specialists, we know you didn’t take a job with the knowledge that you’d be distanced from coworkers, that you may be connecting virtually with your patients, or that your patients may be without the family they so desperately want to have visit.

For these reasons, SmileMakers has got your back and has countless items to get some of those real smiles at least once every single day.

Here are the items you didn’t know you always needed to help you get those smiles:

DistrACTION cards that can live in your pocket or on your badge. Take the attention off of treatments and exams and give patients something fun to focus on.

DistrACTION Cards

Colorful Mini Prism Toys are great distractions too!

Colorful Mini Prism Toys

Surprise capsules with slime inside. The capsules are fully sealed so there’s no worry about them coming apart in your bag or treasure chest. And the wrapped capsule keeps the toy inside clean and germ-free.

Slime Capsules

Smiley Sunglasses because everyone could use a few more smiles!

Smiley Sunglasses

SmileMakers is here to help make your job easier to help children around you get through the tough times and build confidence for hopeful, new beginnings.

2021-01-06 16:28:00 21 viewed