Open-Ended Play

Open-Ended Play

Open-Ended Play

Play is one of the primary ways children communicate. And though there are wonderful benefits with adult-led activities, it is vital for children’s development to engage in play that is open-ended as well. This means no plan, no structure, just PLAY! 


According to Katie Taylor and our friends at Child Life On Call, here are five amazing benefits that open-ended play can provide:


  • Encourages creativity and imagination
  • Supports language development
  • Strengthens problem-solving skills
  • Helps build confidence
  • Develops fine and gross motor skills


The best part about open-ended play is you can join, too! 

Allow the child to lead. 

Observe out loud (for example, “I see the truck is going over that bridge”). 

Ask open-ended questions (for example, “What do you think would happen if…”) and watch their imagination bloom!

2024-08-07 18:25:00 8 viewed