Spring Play in the Hospital

Spring Play in the Hospital

Spring Play in the Hospital

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

Bring Spring Fun Inside!

Happy Spring! I can (somewhat confidently) say that the weather throughout the country is finally turning decent enough to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! More than sunshine, my favorite thing to see this time of year is the creativity that kids demonstrate as they move outdoors. While many children are heading out doors, it's important to recognize that some cannot due to hospitalizations, illness, being immunocompromised, and many other factors. Though it may be true that they are missing out on outdoor play, there is no reason to miss out on the opportunity for indoor play!

Normalizing the environment for children and teens in the hospital is one of the key elements of Child Life Specialists. We provide an opportunity for children to become desensitized to new medical equipment so it feels more "normal" and less "scary." We promote opportunities for play to help children feel less like "patients" and more like themselves. Neon Paddleball SmileMakers makes it easy to find toys and prizes that turn hospital rooms into playrooms - especially when we need to bring the sunshine inside.

One fun activity that DEFINITELY doesn't feel like it belongs in a hospital, but definitely does, is neon paddleball. This activity can be used by patients while laying down, in a chair, or even standing as a race. You can turn this activity in multiple ways:

Paddleball Play
  • Use play to work on balance to provide input to the visual, proprioceptive and vestibular sensory systems.

  • Use play to promote positive social skills to practice taking turns.

  • Use play to hone fine motor skills even when laying in a hospital bed or sitting down.
Paddleball Play

I also use other "normal" and familiar items to promote play inside the hospital. SmileMakers also has a vast amount of different styles, sizes, and types of balls that could also be used bedside or throughout the hospital room to encourage physical activity, creativity, and teamwork. The puffy soccer balls or the inflatable sports balls are perfect for an easy game of catch, kick, or basketball within the hospital room. Inflatable Balls

2022-05-06 14:12:00 8 viewed