Thanksgiving in the Hospital

Thanksgiving in the Hospital

Thanksgiving in the Hospital

Katie Taylor, CCLS, Child Life on Call

Thanksgiving in the Hospital

I've always felt that we get more from our patients than we give. Being present for children and families in their time of need is a sacred experience, and one that we do not take for granted.

And while it is not ideal for families to be in the hospital during Thanksgiving, we can do our best to listen to them, support them, and help them navigate complicated feelings. One moment families may express sadness to be missing out on holiday activities that feel "normal," and the next moment they may be feeling complete gratitude for access to healthcare. Our job is to be alongside them on their journey.

Here are a few activities to help you support your patients and families in ways that help them express their ever changing feelings.

Thanksgiving in the Hospital

Old fashioned turkey hands:
Grab your SmileMakers crayons and trace the outline of your or your patient's hand. When you get to each finger, prompt your patient by asking 5 things that they are grateful for. Model this activity by asking the parent to do it with you or by doing the activity first.

Thanksgiving in the Hospital

Make your own Turkey Sticker Sheet
Order your turkey sticker sheets from SmileMakers and offer this simple, but engaging activity for your patients in outpatient areas. These are great to grab and go in the ED or to provide in the waiting rooms.

Thanksgiving Doodle Placemat

Thanksgiving in the Hospital

Watch these short videos and encourage your patient to try them on their own. This is a great activity to get kids merging technology with creativity. Use this free, downloadable placemat here. Decorate your placemat with SmileMakers stickers here!

What other things will you be doing to celebrate Thanksgiving with your patients at the hospital?

2020-11-16 15:44:00 5 viewed