The Best Fidget and Distraction Toys for Sensory-Seeking Children

The Best Fidget and Distraction Toys for Sensory-Seeking Children

The Best Fidget and Distraction Toys for Sensory-Seeking Children

Katie Taylor, CCLS Child Life On Call for SmileMakers Inc

Tools to help children with sensory needs

If you have or are working with a child that has sensory needs, you know that each child is different and that one thing that has worked previously, may not work the next time. For this reason, I like to be prepared and have several options that can match the exact needs that a child with sensory needs demonstrates. Children usually are either sensory "seeking" or "avoiding." Seeking means they require input and avoiding means that they overreact to input and may become overwhelmed or hyperactive.

Here are some items and suggestions for children that have unique sensory needs. If you don't know what their needs are, just ask their parents!


Seeking: Patterns, shapes, bright lights, moving or spinning objects like Laser Spin Toys
Avoiding: Sunglasses, eye mask, beanie to pull over eyes, dark rooms

Tools to help children with sensory needs


Seeking: Flavored tongue depressors, spicy or sweet flavors, peppermints, gum, scratch and sniff stickers, chewing on items
Avoiding: These kiddos may be picky eaters, avoiding new foods or smells, hard time with medicine

Tools to help children with sensory needs


Seeking: Music, loud, unfamiliar alarms, headphones, Mini Hand Clappers, Butterfly Clappers
Avoiding: Headphones (not attached to music), ear plugs, closing doors to outside noises

Tools to help children with sensory needs


Seeking: Fidget objects,  blinking hair balls, materials like a cooling towel
Avoiding: Keeping hands in pockets

Tools to help children with sensory needs

Children who have sensory needs can feel overwhelmed if the need is not being met. That's why it's so important to talk with families prior to an uncomfortable or new experience so you know the best way to support that patient.

What do you use for your patients who have special sensory needs?

2021-07-14 17:20:00 666 viewed